Samuel R. Delany’s “Hogg” is a challenging piece of literature. It’s a novel that grapples fearlessly with societal norms and exposes readers to the raw, unvarnished realities of the human condition. The text is a labyrinth of discomfort, a journey into the unsettling abyss of human malice.

The novel introduces its audience to a dystopian future—an arena for Delany’s exploration into the repulsive and disturbing aspects of the human psyche. The society he sketches is crumbling, a world teetering on the brink of decay, where the monstrous face of violence has become an everyday reality. Amidst this entropy, “Hogg” navigates its readers into a realm devoid of moral judgment and empathy.

Franklin “Hogg” Hargus, the novel’s central character, is a grotesque personification of this moral bankruptcy. He represents the basest aspects of humanity, a creature devoid of remorse or pity who derives a perverse pleasure from acts of extreme sexual violence, torture, and degradation. Delany’s prose is unflinching in its portrayal of these actions—there is a stark, vivid realism to his writing that spares the reader no discomfort.

Woven through the narrative of the eyes of an unnamed boy, he is trapped, witnessing Hogg’s atrocities, as a victim and an observer. The boy’s perspective intensifies the sense of immersion, enveloping readers in the boy’s traumatic experiences. The narrative spotlights the enduring trauma and the deep, lasting scars borne by victims of such grotesque acts.

A point of significant contention in “Hogg” is its explicit content. Delany defies convention in portraying sexual violence and brutality to unsettle the reader. This book is about more than just shock value—it confronts societal taboos head-on, compelling readers to acknowledge the unsettling truths that often lie beneath the glossy surface of so-called civilized societies. Delany’s goal is to unveil humanity’s grim, lurking underbelly.

The raw frankness of “Hogg” posed a significant hurdle in finding a publisher open to presenting it in its undiluted form. The novel languished in obscurity for many years. Supporters laud its audacity, literary value, and dissection of the human condition. At the same time, detractors argue that its explicit depictions of violence and depravity might edge into excess and exploitation.

As a literary work, “Hogg” continues to court controversy. It challenges the confines of conventional literature and acts as a jarring, uncomfortable examination of humanity’s capacity for darkness. It demands that readers confront uncomfortable truths in the broader societal context. Delany’s unflinching portrayal of humanity’s darkest facets leaves an indelible, haunting impression on those daring enough to traverse its troubling narrative.


Portland, Oregon

May 26th, 2023